
Accelerate supports the design and implementation of rigorous research and evaluation of educational interventions to better understand what works, for whom, and in what school settings.


Program design describes the characteristics of the tutoring intervention, including program content (subject area; grade level served; curriculum; assessments); instructional modality (in-person; virtual; hybrid); human capital (tutor selection; training; evaluation; professional development); intended dosage; and program costs.


Program implementation describes the conditions and settings under which an educational intervention is implemented, including the location, timing, classroom and student characteristics, teacher-student ratio, and actual dosage received.


Program impact describes the efficacy (internal validity), scalability (external validity), and cost effectiveness of an educational intervention.

Actionable Feedback
Evidence of Outcomes
Usability relates to program design, including program content; the human capital characteristics of tutors providing instruction; and the intended dosage of the tutoring intervention (sessions/week; minutes/session; total sessions)
Feasibility relates to program implementation, including the time and location of tutoring provision, the classroom and school settings, the characteristics of the students participating in tutoring, and the actual dosage of tutoring that students receive
Pre-Post and Correlational evidence relate to program impact, and describes formative/foundational evidence on the potential impact of the program on student outcomes
Quasi-Experimental and Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) relate to program impact, and provide summative evidence on the direct effect, or impact, of the program on student outcomes
Evidence of Outcomes

Research Learning Community

The Research Learning Community brings together top education researchers from across the U.S. to develop rigorous research on the impact, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of various high-dosage tutoring programs. It is emblematic of Accelerate’s commitment to helping policymakers and school districts access the high-quality and transparent evidence they need to make informed decisions for their students.

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