2024-25 States Leading Recovery

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the expectations for the match funding?

    An applicant’s match funding may come from public funds and philanthropy. At least 20% of the intended matching funds must come from a philanthropic source. The applicant does not have to have the philanthropic commitment at time of applying, but must secure within the first few months of the grant contract.

    The match must (1) support the applicant’s identified tutoring effort for SY 2025-2026; (2) be controlled by the applicant; and (3) be available for reports on usage in future updates. It is understood that matches may be contingent upon Accelerate funding.

    Please note that if matches utilize public funds, state applicants are responsible for ensuring compliance with any federal and state guidelines for use of funds and reporting.

  • What is the expected timeline of activities for grantees?

    Grants will be awarded in December 2024. Milestones and grant activities will be finalized through the grantmaking process in January-March, 2025. The spring and summer months will be spent preparing for a fall 2025 implementation and laying the groundwork for policy and data initiatives throughout the grant term. Tutoring launches in September 2025.

  • What level of engagement and support can grantees expect from Accelerate?

    Once grantees are selected, Accelerate will work with grantees to finalize a grant agreement, develop milestones through July 2026, support policy initiatives and efforts, and, if applicable, support with the selection of a research partner and craft a research plan.

    During the grant term, Accelerate will be available to offer support and guidance as needed, and to ensure grantees have access to common resources to aid this work. Accelerate may also bring grantees together to learn from each other.

  • How can I find out more?

    Please send any questions to SLR@accelerate.us. The Accelerate team is offering office hours to meet with states 1:1 and answer any questions or provide support with the application. Please use the following scheduling link to meet with the team.