Air Reading will leverage their Call to Effective Action grant to measure the impact and effectiveness of their virtual high-impact tutoring program in closing reading gaps for students receiving Tier III interventions. In the 2024-25 school year, Air Reading will conduct randomized controlled trials (RCT) within Terrell ISD and A+ Academy. The study will involve 200 students in the treatment group and 300 students in the control group, all of whom are in Tier III interventions. Air Reading program will provide small-group sessions with up to 4 students per group, 40 minutes per session, 4 times a week, for 20 weeks.
2024 CEA Grantees
Accelerate is proud to support the organizations below through our third Call to Effective Action.
These grantees operate in nearly 650 schools across 21 states, serving about 60,500 students nationwide. They employ a range of models including in-person, virtual synchronous and asynchronous, and hybrid, and have a maximum tutor-to-student ratio of 1:5. Tutors include teacher candidates, certified teachers, paraprofessionals, college students, volunteers, community members, peers, parents, college graduates, and AmeriCorps fellows.
Accelerate will connect its grantees with researchers to address the priority areas on Accelerate’s Research Agenda, including:
- Understudied student groups, such as those older than 2nd grade, those with IEPs, and multilingual students
- Rigorous study design, which requires sample sizes of 350 students or more
- Study outcomes that are relevant to policymakers and show the long-term impacts of tutoring on student test scores
- Data collection and replication to demonstrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of tutoring programs in different school settings
Air Reading
Carnegie Learning
CityTutor DC
ExpandED Schools
Future Forward
Hamilton County Schools
Intervene K-12
Literacy Mid-South
Magpie Literacy
Math Corps
North Carolina Education Corps
PLUS – Carnegie Mellon University